Access piCorePlayer via ssh

pCP Team 3 April 2024 pCP 9.2.0 Setup • How to
Starting with pCP 9.2.0, piCorePlayer has ssh disabled by default (It was enabled automaticall in prior versions). If enabled, you can access piCorePlayer from any computer on the network with an ssh client.

From the command line


Step 1
Step 2
  • The first time you access the remote computer, type yes to establish host authenticity.
The authenticity of host '<IP address> (<IP address>)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Oj3eagEfJYeltdxRbmNsVmqPDF4SO4m7KmVl8+3KB5A.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
  • Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Step 3
  • Type piCorePlayer’s password when prompted.

    tc@<IP address>’s password: <password>


This password is setup during the first connection to the pCP web pages.  Prior to pCP 9.2.0, the default password is `piCore`.
This should be changed on the Security page from the Main web page.

Step 4
  • Type exit to close terminal.

Windows PuTTY


Step 1
  • Start your ssh client software.

PuTTY screen

Step 2
  • Enter your IP address.
Step 3
  • Set Port to 22.
Step 4
  • Set Connection type to SSH.
Step 5
  • Click [Save] button.
Step 6
  • Click [Open] button.
Step 7
  • Login into your piCorePlayer.

    login as: tc
    password: <password>

piCore login terminal

Step 8
  • Type exit or click [X] to close terminal.

Enable ssh

  • [Main Page] in [Beta] mode > [Security] > [Disable SSH].
  • pCP 9: [Main Page] > [Security] > [SSH].

More information

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