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piCorePlayer 2.03

pCP Team 19 March 2016 pCP 2.03


Please try the new version piCorePlayer 2.03

Great news. Paul from the TinyCore and Lyrion forums has joined the pCP Team. Thanks to him, Lyrion Media Server (LMS) can now be installed and run on your piCorePlayer.

This means that pCP now can be used as:

  • Standalone pCP player (as usual).
  • Standalone LMS server - it is very easy to setup a LMS server on your Raspberry Pi (RPi1 or RPi2). Simply press a button and you are done.
  • Combined LMS server and pCP player.


  • Added Squeezelite option to change GPIO status dependent on Squeezelite status. Handy for controlling an external amplifier. “-G option”.
  • Added Squeezelite option to run a script dependent upon Squeezelite status. “-S option”.
  • Fixed Squeezelite U, V and v options.
  • Added support for installing LMS on piCorePlayer.

The pCP Team
Paul, Greg, Ralphy and Steen


Older versions of piCorePlayer may not be compatible with the newer versions of the Raspberry Pi. You need to review the Release notes to determine when the support for your particular Raspberry Pi was added. It is safer to use the latest version of piCorePlayer as it will be compatible with the latest version of the Raspberry Pi.

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