Front matter - YAML meta data

pCP Team 26 September 2020 pCP 6.1.0 Publishing
Front matter - YAML formatted.

Example front matter

title: Front matter
description: Front matter - YAML meta data
date: 2020-09-24
author: pCP Team
weight: 6
pcpver: "6.1.0"
toc: false
draft: false
hidden: false
- Publishing
- Front matter



The title variable:

  • is used in the left hand navigation menu.
  • is used in the Previous/Next links at the bottom of the page.
  • should be relatively brief. It is desireable for the the title to be a single line in the navigation menu. For example, use pCP instead of piCorePlayer.
  • often the same or very similar to the file name.
  • is used as the page title if description is not defined. It will be rendered as a Heading 1 at the top of the page.


The description variable:

  • is used as the page title. It will be rendered as a Heading 1 at the top of the page. If description is left blank, title will be used as the page title.
  • is a longer, more descriptive title. For example, use piCorePlayer instead of pCP.


The date variable:

  • is latest edit date of the page.
  • uses YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • is wrapped in double quotes.
  • can stop Hugo from publishing the file if the date is in the future.


The author variable:

  • is the author of the document.
  • defaults to “pCP Team”.


The weight variable:

  • controls the order of the page in the navigation menu.
  • should start with a weight gap of 10 between each document to allow the insertion of documents in the future.


The pcpver variable:

  • is the current version piCorePlayer at the time the document was written.
  • gives the reader an indication as to how dated the information is.


The toc variable:

  • is set to true or false.
  • is by default set to true.
  • controls the display of a On this page table of contents on the right hand side of the page.


The draft variable:

  • is set to true or false.
  • is by default set to true.
  • controls if Hugo will not publish the document. Documents will only be published if draft: false is set.


The hidden variable:

  • is set to true or false.
  • is by default set to false.
  • controls the display of the document in the navigation menu on the left hand side of the page.


The categories variable:

  • adds the document to a category.


The tags variable:

  • adds the document to a tag.

Default archetype

│   ├───archetypes
│   │   └───
│   ├───content
title: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}
description: null
date: {{ .Date }}
author: pCP Team
weight: 1
pcpver: "6.1.0"
toc: true
draft: true
hidden: false
  - Cat A
  - Cat B
  - Tag A
  - Tag B

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