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Install a custom Squeezelite

CJS 23 June 2024 pCP 9.0.0 How to
If you want to install a (newer) version of squeezelite on pCP that is not available in the repository of the pCP version that you run, this can be done as follows: These instructions are for people who are using a Windows PC to access pCP that is running on their RPi.


Step 1 - Download

Download the version of squeezelite that you want to use from https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/squeezelite/linux/.

  • For the 32-bit version of pCP download file squeezelite-2.0.0.xxxx-armhf.tar.gz
  • For the 64-bit version of pCP download file squeezelite-2.0.0.xxxx-aarch64.tar.gz
Step 2 - Extract binary

Extract the squeezelite binary from the downloaded file.

  • On Windows you can use 7-zip to do this.
Step 3 - Rename file

Rename squeezelite to squeezelite-custom

Step 4 - Copy file to pCP

Use WinSCP to copy binary squeezelite-custom to folder /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce on pCP.

Step 5 - Change permissions

Change permissions of file squeezelite-custom to 775. This can be done by right-clicking the file in WinSCP, and selecting Properties. Then make the file readable and executable for owner, group and others.

Refer to screenshot below.

Squeezelite Custom

Step 6 - Open web browser

Open the pCP web interface in a web browser, and select page [Squeezelite Settings].

Step 7 - Set binary to custom Squeezelite

On the bottom of that page in section “Set Squeezelite Binary”, select “Custom Squeezelite”, and click “Set Binary”.

Squeezelite Custom

Step 8 - Restart Squeezelite

Squeezelite will restart, and you have your custom squeezelite running. pCP will add a link called squeezelite to binary squeezelite-custom in folder /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce. You don’t need to add this link yourself. See screenshot made in an SSH session below. To get the new squeezelite version visible in the pCP footer, you need to reboot pCP.

Squeezelite Custom

Step 9 - Test

Test that your custom squeezelite is working.

Step 10

Have fun.

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