Add a 3.5 inch display
What was used
- Raspberry Pi 3B—see Components - Raspberry Pi.
- A 3.5 TFT screen - 3.5inch RPi Display - 480x320 Pixel - XPT2046 Touch Controller
- 8GB SD card—see Components - SD card.
- piCorePlayer 8.2.0-rc1—see piCorePlayer Downloads.
Step 1 - Setup piCorePlayer
- Setup piCorePlayer—see Getting started.
Before continuing, ensure piCorePlayer is connecting to LMS and playing music.
Step 2 - Edit cmdline.txt
- Access piCorePlayer via ssh—see Access piCorePlayer via ssh.
- Edit the file cmdline.txt.
- Add
fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo
to the end of the first line incmdline.txt
tc@pCP:~$ m1
tc@pCP:~$ c1
tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ vicmd
cmdline.txt must be just one long line of boot codes. Adding extra lines will cause boot failure.
tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ cat cmdline.txt
tz=EST-10EST,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3 dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0xF host=piCorePlayer dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/ram0 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet nortc loglevel=3 noembed smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N noswap consoleblank=0 waitusb=2 fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo
These 3 options may not really be required. Try removing them one at a time. Let us know.
- fbcon=map:10
- fbcon=font:ProFont6x11
- logo.nologo
Step 3 - Edit config.txt
- Access piCorePlayer via ssh—see Access piCorePlayer via ssh.
- Edit the file config.txt—see Edit config.txt.
- Add
between the lines starting with #—Begin-Custom and #—End-Custom in config.txt.
tc@pCP:~$ m1
tc@pCP:~$ c1
tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ vicfg
- The bottom part of config.txt should end up looking like the following.
#Custom Configuration Area, for config settings that are not managed by pCP.
#pCP will retain these settings during insitu-update
#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-----
piscreen overlay description:
Name: piscreen
Info: PiScreen display by
Load: dtoverlay=piscreen,<param>=<val>
Params: speed Display SPI bus speed
rotate Display rotation {0,90,180,270}
fps Delay between frame updates
debug Debug output level {0-7}
xohms Touchpanel sensitivity (X-plate resistance)
Step 4 - Resize root partition
Resize the root partition to give extra space to download extensions required by Jivelite.
- From the [Main Page] click the [Resize FS] button and choose to increase the size to at least 100 MB.
Step 5 - Load Jivelite extensions
The default skin and all its dependencies will be automatically loaded.
- From the [Main Page] and click the [Extensions] button at the end of the “Additional functions” section.
- Click the [Available] tab.
- Select the “pcp-jivelite_default-wav35skin.tcz” extension from the piCorePlayer main repository.
- Click the [Load] button.
This loads the following extensions.
| |-----pcp-jivelite.tcz
| | |-----touchscreen-xxxxx.tcz
| | |-----libts.tcz
| | |-----pcp-lua.tcz
| | |-----pcp-jivelite_hdskins.tcz
Step 6 - Backup and shutdown
Backup and shutdown the Raspberry Pi.
pcp bs
Step 7 - Add display
- Add the display on the Raspberry Pi.
Step 8 - Boot piCorePlayer
- Power on
At this stage the touch screen should be working as just a console window, without Jivelite.
Step 9 - Create script
Note This has changed for pCP version 10 and higher. The jivelite startup script is now considerably more sophisticated, and you do not need a custom jivelite script at all.
Create a file in directory /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/
Copy and paste the code below into
EVENTNO=$(cat /proc/bus/input/devices | awk '/ADS7846 Touchscreen/{for(a=0;a>=0;a++){getline;{if(/mouse/==1){ print $NF;exit 0;}}}}')
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=fbcon
export SDL_FBDEV=/dev/fb1
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/$EVENTNO
while true; do
sleep 3
Set as executable.
chmod 755
The script above is assuming the device name is ADS7846 Touchscreen. To determine device name use the command below.
tc@pCP:~$ cat /proc/bus/input/devices | grep N:
N: Name="ADS7846 Touchscreen"
Step 10 - Calibrate Touch Display
$ sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb1 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 /usr/local/bin/ts_calibrate
You should see the following 2 lines on the screen.
Touchscreen calibration utility
Touch crosshair to calibrate
- Touch the 5 crosshairs, 4 corners plus center.
xres = 480, yres = 320
Took 10 samples...
Top left : X = 3858 Y = 342
Took 12 samples...
Top right : X = 321 Y = 344
Took 3 samples...
Bot right : X = 315 Y = 3814
Took 12 samples...
Bot left : X = 3841 Y = 3734
Took 8 samples...
Center : X = 2078 Y = 2026
512.168335 -0.130261 -0.000433
-21.502014 0.001012 0.087424
Calibration constants: 33565464 -8536 -28 -1409156 66 5729 65536
Step 11 - Check calibration was successful
$ sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb1 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 /usr/local/bin/ts_test
You should see the following 2 lines on the screen.
Touchscreen test program
Touch screen to move crosshair
- Move the stylus around the screen and the crosshair should follow.
- Touch [Quit] button on the top right to exit test.
1599049890.101942: 246 164 6
1599049890.121943: 246 164 19
1599049890.142008: 246 164 28
1599049890.161937: 246 164 31
1599049890.181949: 246 165 37
1599049890.207568: 247 165 40
1599049890.221956: 248 165 42
1599049890.242051: 249 165 43
1599049890.261960: 251 165 43
1599049890.281957: 252 165 42
1599049890.304261: 253 165 43
1599049890.321945: 255 165 42
Step 12 - Set Jivelite to Autostart
- Go to the [Tweaks] > “Jivelite Setup” page.
- Set “Set Autostart” to “Yes”.
- Click [Set Autostart] to save.
- Click [Main Page] > [Reboot].
Step 13 - Setup Jivelite
- Select language.
Step 14 - Backup
- Click [Main Page] > [Backup] to save Jivelite settings.
More information
- Download piCorePlayer
- Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card
- Determine your piCorePlayer IP address
- Access piCorePlayer via ssh
- Edit config.txt
- piCorePlayer aliases
- piCorePlayer CLI
- Basic vi commands
- Raspberry Pi config.cfg
- Waveshare 4.1 TFT + piCorePlayer + Jivelite
- Documentation / fb / fbcon.txt