Add a 3.5 inch display

pCP Team 22 May 2022 pCP 8.2.0 Projects
piCorePlayer by default supports the official Raspberry Pi Touch Display. However, there are dozens of displays available for the Raspberry Pi. These instructions are for a generic Raspberry Pi 3.5" display but may also give clues on how to support other displays. A big thanks to nowhinjing for his Waveshare 4.1 TFT + piCorePlayer + Jivelite tutorial which was used as a starting point. Note If upgrading from pCP version 9.2 or lower, or if installing fresh on pCP 10 or higher, be sure to read the important note below, otherwise jivelite will fail to write out its settings.

What was used




Step 1 - Setup piCorePlayer

Before continuing, ensure piCorePlayer is connecting to LMS and playing music.

Step 2 - Edit cmdline.txt
  • Access piCorePlayer via ssh—see Access piCorePlayer via ssh.
  • Edit the file cmdline.txt.
  • Add fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo to the end of the first line in cmdline.txt.
tc@pCP:~$ m1
tc@pCP:~$ c1
tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ vicmd

cmdline.txt must be just one long line of boot codes. Adding extra lines will cause boot failure.

tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ cat cmdline.txt

tz=EST-10EST,M10.1.0,M4.1.0/3 dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0xF host=piCorePlayer dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/ram0 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet nortc loglevel=3 noembed smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N noswap consoleblank=0 waitusb=2 fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo

These 3 options may not really be required. Try removing them one at a time. Let us know.

  • fbcon=map:10
  • fbcon=font:ProFont6x11
  • logo.nologo

Step 3 - Edit config.txt
  • Access piCorePlayer via ssh—see Access piCorePlayer via ssh.
  • Edit the file config.txt—see Edit config.txt.
  • Add dtoverlay=piscreen,speed=24000000,rotate=90 between the lines starting with #—Begin-Custom and #—End-Custom in config.txt.
tc@pCP:~$ m1
tc@pCP:~$ c1
tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ vicfg
  • The bottom part of config.txt should end up looking like the following.
#Custom Configuration Area, for config settings that are not managed by pCP.
#pCP will retain these settings during insitu-update
#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-----



piscreen overlay description:

Name:   piscreen
Info:   PiScreen display by
Load:   dtoverlay=piscreen,<param>=<val>
Params: speed                   Display SPI bus speed

        rotate                  Display rotation {0,90,180,270}

        fps                     Delay between frame updates

        debug                   Debug output level {0-7}

        xohms                   Touchpanel sensitivity (X-plate resistance)
Step 4 - Resize root partition

Resize the root partition to give extra space to download extensions required by Jivelite.

  • From the [Main Page] click the [Resize FS] button and choose to increase the size to at least 100 MB.
Step 5 - Load Jivelite extensions

The default skin and all its dependencies will be automatically loaded.

  • From the [Main Page] and click the [Extensions] button at the end of the “Additional functions” section.
  • Click the [Available] tab.
  • Select the “pcp-jivelite_default-wav35skin.tcz” extension from the piCorePlayer main repository.
  • Click the [Load] button.

This loads the following extensions.

     |     |-----pcp-jivelite.tcz
     |     |     |-----touchscreen-xxxxx.tcz
     |     |     |-----libts.tcz
     |     |     |-----pcp-lua.tcz
     |     |     |-----pcp-jivelite_hdskins.tcz
Step 6 - Backup and shutdown
  • Backup and shutdown the Raspberry Pi.

    $ pcp bs

Step 7 - Add display
  • Add the display on the Raspberry Pi.
Step 8 - Boot piCorePlayer
  • Power on

At this stage the touch screen should be working as just a console window, without Jivelite.

Step 9 - Create script

Note This has changed for pCP version 10 and higher. The jivelite startup script is now considerably more sophisticated, and you do not need a custom jivelite script at all.

  • Create a file in directory /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/

    $ ce

    $ vi

  • Copy and paste the code below into


EVENTNO=$(cat /proc/bus/input/devices | awk '/ADS7846 Touchscreen/{for(a=0;a>=0;a++){getline;{if(/mouse/==1){ print $NF;exit 0;}}}}')

export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=fbcon
export SDL_FBDEV=/dev/fb1
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/$EVENTNO

while true; do
    sleep 3
  • Set as executable.

    $ chmod 755


The script above is assuming the device name is ADS7846 Touchscreen. To determine device name use the command below.

tc@pCP:~$ cat /proc/bus/input/devices | grep N:

N: Name="ADS7846 Touchscreen"
Step 10 - Calibrate Touch Display

$ sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb1 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 /usr/local/bin/ts_calibrate

You should see the following 2 lines on the screen.

Touchscreen calibration utility
Touch crosshair to calibrate
  • Touch the 5 crosshairs, 4 corners plus center.
xres = 480, yres = 320
Took 10 samples...
Top left : X = 3858 Y =  342
Took 12 samples...
Top right : X =  321 Y =  344
Took 3 samples...
Bot right : X =  315 Y = 3814
Took 12 samples...
Bot left : X = 3841 Y = 3734
Took 8 samples...
Center : X = 2078 Y = 2026
512.168335 -0.130261 -0.000433
-21.502014 0.001012 0.087424
Calibration constants: 33565464 -8536 -28 -1409156 66 5729 65536
Step 11 - Check calibration was successful

$ sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb1 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 /usr/local/bin/ts_test

You should see the following 2 lines on the screen.

Touchscreen test program
Touch screen to move crosshair
  • Move the stylus around the screen and the crosshair should follow.
  • Touch [Quit] button on the top right to exit test.
1599049890.101942:    246    164      6
1599049890.121943:    246    164     19
1599049890.142008:    246    164     28
1599049890.161937:    246    164     31
1599049890.181949:    246    165     37
1599049890.207568:    247    165     40
1599049890.221956:    248    165     42
1599049890.242051:    249    165     43
1599049890.261960:    251    165     43
1599049890.281957:    252    165     42
1599049890.304261:    253    165     43
1599049890.321945:    255    165     42
Step 12 - Set Jivelite to Autostart
  • Go to the [Tweaks] > “Jivelite Setup” page.
  • Set “Set Autostart” to “Yes”.
  • Click [Set Autostart] to save.
  • Click [Main Page] > [Reboot].
Step 13 - Setup Jivelite
  • Select language.
Step 14 - Backup
  • Click [Main Page] > [Backup] to save Jivelite settings.

More information

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Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.