Add a 5 inch Waveshare display spi touch
What we need
- Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 or piZero WH
- 8GB Micro SD card
- Waveshare 5 inch display, resistive spi-touch with HDMI-adaptor
- Optional: Some jumper wires, female to female
- Powersupply, 5V, >= 2,5 A
- PC or Laptop, Putty installed
- Plug the display directly on the GPIO pins of your PI and connect the HDMI plug with an HDMI-adaptor
- If you need additional pins for other purpose, wire the pins 1, 2, 6, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26) and connect the HDMI plug with a HDMI cable.
Pin | Symbol | Discription |
1 | 3,3 V | Power positive (3.3V power input) |
2 | 5 V | Power positive (5V power input) |
6 | GND | Ground |
19 | TP_SI | SPI data input of Touch Panel |
21 | TP_SO | SPI data output of Touch Panel |
22 | TP_IRQ | Touch Panel interrupt |
23 | TP_SCK | SPI clock of Touch Panel |
26 | TP_CS | Touch Panel chip selection |
Step 1 - Prepare SD card
- Put a fresh pCP image on to the SD card—see Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card.
- While the SD card is still in the laptop/pc, edit the following three files:
You find these files in your Windows Explorer in root-section of the pcp_boot drive.
- Enter wifi access data in
and “Save as”wpa_supplicant.conf
# This is the details about your Wireless network. Configure as needed.
# Most will just need to change the ssid and psk.
ssid="your ssid"
psk="your password"
- Add the following lines to
, in the Custom Configuration area at the end of the file (between the Begin-Custom and End-Custom lines).
#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-----
hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0
- Comment out the
default settings by putting an # at the beginning of the line. - Save your changes.
Step 2 - Boot Raspberry Pi
- Put the SD card in your RPi and boot.
- Find the IP address of the RPi, and enter this in a browser—see Determine your piCorePlayer IP address.
- Once the RPi has booted up, this should bring up the pCP web interface.
- Install Jivelite from the [Tweaks page] (this step includes an automatic backup, so accept the reboot prompt.)
- After the reboot do not configure jivelite – we’ll do this later!
Step 3 - Make a custom startup script
Note This has changed for pCP version 10 and higher. The jivelite startup script is now considerably more sophisticated, and you may not need a custom jivelite script at all. If you do find you need one, be sure to include the line starting ’export HOME …’ as shown below.
- Login to your RPi via ssh (software=putty – user: tc, password: piCore) and insert the following command:
- $
tce-load -wi nano.tcz
- $
- This installs the
editor extension.- $
cat /proc/bus/input/devices
- $
- You see your connectet input-devices (ie. touchscreen, mouse or ir-reciever)
- Take note of “event0” (If you use additional input devices (ie. IR-Receiver), the input device may be event1).
If you add additional input devices later, the event of your touchscreen may change and the touch won’t work.
This affords adjusting your
- Still connected by ssh, insert the following command:
- $
sudo nano /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/
- $
- Put into the empty file (copy and paste) the following script:
EVENTNO=$(cat /proc/bus/input/devices | awk '/ADS7846 Touchscreen/{for(a=0;a>=0;a++){getline;{if(/mouse/==1){ print $NF;exit 0;}}}}')
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0
export HOME=/home/tc
while true; do
sleep 3
If your event was 1, change event0 to event1
- For this purpose, we need the script to define the touchscreen as input-device and hide the cursor.
- Save your changes and exit nano (Ctrl+X and confirm by pressing y).
- Make the new custom
script executable with:- $
sudo chmod +x /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/
- $
- Save your changes by
pcp bu
Step 5 - Calibrate Touchscreen
- Bring up Web-Gui of piCorePlayer, section [Tweaks] and set “Jivelite Autostart” to “no”.
- Reboot your RPi.
- Login to your RPi via ssh (putty – user: tc, password: piCore)—see Access piCorePlayer via ssh.
- Insert the following command:
- $
sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 /usr/local/bin/ts_calibrate
- $
If your event was 1, change event0 to event1.
- Click the 5 calibration points properly.
- Make your calibration persistent:
- $
pcp bu
- $
- Go to the WebGui of piCorePlayer, section [Tweaks] and set “Jivelite Autostart” to “yes”.
- Reboot your RPi.
- After the reboot, the touch of the display should work fine.
Step 6 - Configure Jivelite
If you use a RPi Zero without audio card, go to WebGui of piCorePlayer, section [Sqeezelite Settings] and change the default audio output to “none”. RPi Zero does not provide headphone output, squeezelite will not start with default settings.
- Configure jivelite with your touchscreen. You can do that with a keyboard or an IR remote too.
- Choose your language and in the next menu select
GridSkin 800x480
. Both work fine with that resolution. - Configure the additional settings (time, screensaver, background and so on).
- Save your changes in Jivelite Settings (Settings > piCorePlayer > Save Settings to SD Card)
More information
- 5 inch Capacitive Touch Screen
- Add an IR receiver to piCorePlayer
- Download piCorePlayer
- Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card
- Determine your piCorePlayer IP address
- Access piCorePlayer via ssh
- Edit config.txt
- piCorePlayer aliases
- piCorePlayer CLI
- Basic vi commands
- Raspberry Pi config.cfg
- Waveshare 4.1 TFT + piCorePlayer + Jivelite
- Documentation / fb / fbcon.txt