Add a 4 inch Waveshare display spi touch
Waveshare 4 inch resistive display, spi Touch, 480×800, HDMI, with piCorePlayer.
Note If upgrading from pCP version 9.2 or lower, or if installing fresh on pCP 10 or higher, be sure to read the important note below, otherwise jivelite will fail to write out its settings.
Step 1 - Connect the display to your Raspberry PI
- Plug the display directly on the GPIO pins of your RPi and connect the HDMI plug with an HDMI-adaptor.
If you need additional pins for other purpose, wire the pins 1, 2, 6, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26) and connect the HDMI-Plug with a HDMI Cable.
Pin | Symbol | Discription |
1 | 3,3 V | Power positive (3.3V power input) |
2 | 5 V | Power positive (5V power input) |
6 | GND | Ground |
19 | TP_SI | SPI data input of Touch Panel |
21 | TP_SO | SPI data output of Touch Panel |
22 | TP_IRQ | Touch Panel interrupt |
23 | TP_SCK | SPI clock of Touch Panel |
26 | TP_CS | Touch Panel chip selection |
Step 2 - Prepare SD card
- Put a fresh pCP image on to the SD card—see Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card.
- While the SD card is still in the laptop/pc:
- Enter wifi credentials in wpa_supplicant.conf.sample at the end of the file and “save as” wpa_supplicant.conf.
# This is the details about your Wireless network. Configure as needed.
# Most will just need to change the ssid and psk.
ssid="your ssid"
psk="your password"
- Add the following lines to config.txt, in the Custom Configuration area at the end of the file (between the Begin-Custom and End-Custom lines).
#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-----
hdmi_cvt 480 800 60 6 0 0 0
- Comment out the
default settings by putting an # at the beginning of the line. - Save your changes.
You find these two files in your Windows Explorer in root-section of the pcp_boot drive.
Step 3 - Boot Raspberry Pi
- Put the SD card in your RPi and boot.
- Find the IP address of the RPi, and enter this in a browser—see Determine your piCorePlayer IP address.
- Once the RPi has booted up, this should bring up the pCP web interface.
- On [Main Page] scroll down to “Additional functions” and click on “Extensions”. Wait for green ticks, then click on the [Available] tab.
- In the ‘Available extensions in the piCorePlayer repository’ section.
- Load
extension. - Install Jivelite from the [Tweaks page] (this step includes an automatic backup, so accept the reboot prompt.)
- After the reboot do not configure jivelite – we’ll do this later!
Step 4 - Make a custom startup script
Note This has changed for pCP version 10 and higher. The jivelite startup script is now considerably more sophisticated, and you may not need a custom jivelite script at all. If you do find you need one, be sure to include the line starting ’export HOME …’ as shown below.
- Login to your RPi via ssh (software=putty – user: tc, password: piCore) and look, if your changes of step 2 work:
- Insert the following command:
$ cat /proc/bus/input/devices
- You see your connected input-devices (ie. touchscreen, mouse or IR-receiver)
- Take note of “Waveshare” and “event1” (If you do not use additional input devices (ie. IR-receiver), the input device may be event0).
Step 5 - Creating the
- Still connected by ssh, insert the following command:
$ sudo nano /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/
- Put into the empty file (copy and paste) the following script:
# Disable mouse pointer
# Set touch calibration file
# Jivelite interface framerate
# Set Touch input device
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1 # This might be event0 in some cases
# Define custom Skin size
# scale to 800x480. This could be any size to scale interface.
export JL_SCREEN_WIDTH=800
# Set custom screen resolution
/usr/sbin/fbset -xres 800 -yres 480
export HOME=/home/tc
# Run Jivelite
while true; do
/opt/jivelite/bin/jivelite >> /var/log/jivelite.log 2>&1
sleep 3
- Usually we do not need a script for that resolution in Jivelite. It is standard and many skins work with that resolution. For this purpose, we need the script to define the touchscreen as input-device and to hide the cursor.
- Save your changes and exit nano (Ctrl+X and confirm by pressing y).
- I don’t know, if the setting of the framerate is necessary – you can play with that.
- You can find the original script at THE FAN CLUB dynamic design solutions.
- Make the new custom script executable with:
$ sudo chmod +x /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/
- Go to Web-Gui of piCorePlayer, section [Tweaks] and set “Jivelite Autostart” to “no”.
- Reboot your RPi.
Step 6 - Calibrate Touchscreen
- Login to your RPi via ssh (putty – user: tc, password: piCore)—see Access piCorePlayer via ssh.
- Insert the following command:
$ sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1 /usr/local/bin/ts_calibrate
- Click the 5 calibration points properly.
- Make your calibration persistent:
$ pcp bu
- Go to the WebGui of piCorePlayer, section [Tweaks] and set “Jivelite Autostart” to “yes”.
- Reboot your RPi.
- After the reboot, the touch of the display should work fine.
Step 7 - Configure Jivelite
- Connect a mouse or an IR-remote to the device to configure jivelite.
- Choose your language and in the next menu select
GridSkin 800x480
. Both work fine with that resolution. - Configure the additional settings (time, background and so on).
- Save your changes in Jivelite Settings (Settings > piCorePlayer > Save Settings to SD-Card).
More information
- 4 inch Capacitive Touch Display
- Download piCorePlayer
- Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card
- Determine your piCorePlayer IP address
- Access piCorePlayer via ssh
- Edit config.txt
- piCorePlayer aliases
- piCorePlayer CLI
- Basic vi commands
- Raspberry Pi config.cfg
- Waveshare 4.1 TFT + piCorePlayer + Jivelite
- Documentation / fb / fbcon.txt
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Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.