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Edit cycle

pCP Team 26 November 2020 pCP 6.1.0 Publishing
These instructions are intended for pCP Team.

Step 1 - Start Hugo

$ cd c:\Hugo\pCP-docs

$ hugo server


Publish draft documents (draft: true)

$ hugo server -D

Publish future dated documents

$ hugo server -F

Force a republish of everything

$ hugo server --disableFastRender

Step 2 - Edit/add files under c:\Hugo\pCP-docs\content

    │   ├───admin
    │   ├───components
    │   ├───downloads
    │   ├───faq
    │   ├───getting-started
    │   ├───how-to
    │   ├───information
    │   ├───projects
    │   └───releases

Step 3 - View changes

Type http://localhost:1313/ into browser.

Hugo will have automatically detected changes and republished new content.

Browser will auto update showing changes.

Step 4 - Stage, commit and push to remote

As soon as the new content arrives in “master” branch a GitLab CI converts markdown to html and puts it into public folder (GitLab pages).

Step 5 - View in production

In browser type https://docs.picoreplayer.org/

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