I have a new version ready… get it from the Downloads section.
It is piCorePlayer 1.11. It is a major rework as it now has a build in web server, so you can control the settings via your browser.
Simply use the IP address of the Raspberry Pi and port number 8077. Something like And then it should be fairly simple to change the settings of your player.
I have only used a very small web server with CGI support and bash scripting, so it is very lightweight and I haven’t seen any negative impact on a running system.
It has support for the I2S HiFiBerry DAC which is based on a 5102 chip and a recent report stated that it also supported another I2S DAC based on the ES9023 chip.
The I2S DACs are working really well, as they don’t connect via USB which sometimes can be problematic on a Raspberry Pi.
I suspect that more I2S DACs will become available, and if I have access to them, I will try to support them in piCorePlayer.
Hi all, I’m happy to announce a new version of piCorePlayer, which is a major improvement over previous versions.
It is build on cutting edge linux kernel 3.12.6 which have support for I2S-connections. That means that you will be able to let the DAC communicate directly with the Raspberry Pi. There are already a few I2S DACs available, however at the moment piCorePlayer only support the HiFiBerryDAC, you can read more about HiFiBerry.
The first version of piCorePlayer 1.09 was corrupted - please download again.
Thanks to Ralphy you can now play WMA ald ALAC audio files, and possibly do upsampling on piCorePlayer as well.
libfaad, libffmpeg and libsoxr are now included and enabled together with Ralphy’s Squeezelite which is compiled with support of upsampling using the libsoxr resampling library. This allows Squeezelite to upsample the output to the highest sample rate supported by the output device.
This version have built in pcm (wav/aiff) decode plus flac, mp3, ogg and aac via libFLAC, libmad/libmpg123, libvorbisfile, libfaad and includes support for wma and alac decode via the ffmpeg library.
Update of Squeezelite, now downloads from Ralphy’s Squeezelite page.
Added option to define upsample settings in menu (untested).
Menu script had an error and has been fixed.
Changed default settings for analog output (better sound quality with high samle rate Flac files).
Better picoreplayer script, so now it is much easier to change the Squeezelite settings, like name etc - and you can see what the current settings are.
More Wifi adapters are supported (I think that most the Ralink adapters are working now).
Better Wifi script (thanks to Randy McEuen who made it possible to save non-protected Wifi’s as well).
The new version is larger than usual, as this has been requested by many who wanted to add extra packages to the piCorePlayer. If needed I can provide a smaller version.
BIG thanks to Randy McEuen who helped by beta testing the new version and also provided a valuable patch to the Wifi.sh script in the microcore community.
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