Category: Components


pCP Team 6 May 2024 pCP 9.0.0 Components
piCorePlayer is a software emulation of a Squeezebox network music player that runs exclusively on the Raspberry Pi. piCorePlayer is designed as a headless music player, much like the Squeezebox Duet. Optionally, a keyboard and monitor or touch screen can be added if desired. piCorePlayer uses piCore Linux, a very small embedded Linux distribution that runs in RAM. After the initial setup, it only reads the SD card. This gives you a very robust system that, like most embedded systems, is very unlikely to corrupt your SD card.


pCP Team 3 April 2024 pCP 5.0.0 Components
Squeezelite is a small headless Squeezebox emulator for Linux using ALSA audio output (and other platforms using portaudio). It is aimed at supporting high quality audio including USB dac based output at multiple sample rates including 44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4/192/352.8/384kHz. Squeezelite is always included in the piCorePlayer image. Originally developed and released by Adrian Smith. Currently maintained by Ralph Irving. Squeezelite HelpSqueezelite v1.9.7-1237-pCP, Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith, 2015-2020 Ralph Irving. See -t for license terms Usage: squeezelite [options] -s <server>[:<port>] Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server -o <output device> Specify output device, default "default", - = output to stdout -l List output devices -a <b>:<p>:<f>:<m> Specify ALSA params to open output device, b = buffer time in ms or size in bytes, p = period count or size in bytes, f sample format (16|24|24_3|32), m = use mmap (0|1) -a <f> Specify sample format (16|24|32) of output file when using -o - to output samples to stdout (interleaved little endian only) -b <stream>:<output> Specify internal Stream and Output buffer sizes in Kbytes -c <codec1>,<codec2> Restrict codecs to those specified, otherwise load all available codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,wma,alac,ops,dsd (mad,mpg for specific mp3 codec) Codecs reported to LMS in order listed, allowing codec priority refinement.

Lyrion Media Server (LMS)

pCP Team 6 May 2024 pCP 9.0.0 Components
Lyrion Media Server (LMS) is the server software that powers networked audio players from Lyrion including Squeezebox, Radio, Boom, Receiver, Transporter and various third party hardware devices that use Squeezelite or Squeezeplay. Lyrion Media Server (LMS) is Open Source Software written in Perl and it runs on pretty much any platform that Perl runs on, including Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris and Windows. Lyrion Media Server (LMS) was previously known as Squeezebox Server, SqueezeCentre and SlimServer.


pCP Team 6 May 2024 pCP 5.0.0 Components  •
Jivelite is a cut down Squeezebox control application derived from Squeezebox Jive. Originally developed and released by Adrian Smith. Currently maintained by Ralph Irving. piCorePlayer fully supports Jivelite on the Raspberry Pi’s Official 7" Touch Display. InstallationJivelite can be installed on piCorePlayer via the [Tweaks] page on the piCorePlayer web interface. Jivelite [Settings] > [piCorePlayer] screen More information Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application - Triode Jivelite for piCorePlayer - Ralph Irving Latest Jivelite - Ralph Irving - github Jivelite for piCorePlayer - Ralph Irving - github

Raspberry Pi

pCP Team 3 April 2024 pCP 9.0.0 Components
The Raspberry Pi (RPi) is a small and relatively cheap single board computer (SBC). First introduced in 2012, the range has regularly expanded, resulting in many models and options being available. The Raspberry Pi has proven to be very successful, selling millions every year. This success, combined with product availability and abundant support, makes the Raspberry Pi the hardware platform of choice for piCorePlayer (pCP). Models Model Memory Freq Cores Kernel LAN Wifi Headphones Zero 512MB 1GHz single 32-bit no no no Zero W 512MB 1GHz single 32-bit no yes no Zero 2 W 512MB 1GHz quad 32-bit, 64-bit no yes no 1A 256MB 700MHz single 32-bit no no yes 1A+ 256MB 700MHz single 32-bit no no yes 1B 256MB, 512MB 700MHz single 32-bit yes no yes 1B+ 512MB 700MHz single 32-bit yes no yes 2B 1GB 900MHz quad 32-bit, 64-bit yes no yes 3A+ 512MB 1.


pCP Team 21 November 2020 pCP 6.1.0 Components
piCore is the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux developed by Team Tiny Core. It is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team of developers with strong community support. Tiny Core Linux is not a traditional distribution but a toolkit to create your own customized system. It offers not only flexibility and a small footprint, but a very recent kernel and set of applications making it ideal for custom systems, appliances as well as to learn Linux, matching Raspberry Pi perfectly.

SD card

pCP Team 3 April 2021 pCP 7.0.0 Components
What SD card do you need for piCorePlayer? Recommendation Get the smallest SD card available, depending on price. Invest in quality known brand SD cards from reliable suppliers. Standard speed SD cards are all that is really required. No need for industrial quality SD cards. piCorePlayer is very smallAt the time of writing, piCorePlayer’s initial image contains 2 x 64MB partitions, so the total size is 128MB. That’s very small for Linux distribution and audio player software.


pCP Team 19 January 2022 pCP 7.0.0 Components
piCorePlayer’s wifi objective is to have a wifi setup that: will work 99% of the time. is tolerant of typical user typos and formatting errors. has a headless option, so using a monitor and keyboard is not required. uses psk passphrases, so passwords are not stored as plain text. has a manual setup option for more advanced users. This means it is theoretical possible that any valid WPA configuration is supported.

Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Display

pCP Team 2 July 2022 pCP 8.1.0 Components
piCorePlayer supports the Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Display (and 100% compatibles). Info For the other hundreds of displays, it has been left to the community to create the configuration scripts and offer support—see Tag: display. More information Raspberry Pi 7 Inch Display Tag: display

Infrared Remote Control

pCP Team 1 May 2022 pCP 8.1.0 Components
piCorePlayer supports Squeezebox and JustBoom IR remote controls. For other IR remote controls, some extra work is required the create and install the configuration files. The Linux Kernel has basic IR support for some remote controls. Additionally, there is the lirc product. Squeezelite has a limited number of IR actions builtin. Jivelite uses IR remote to control cursor movements around the Jivelite screen. InstallationIR can be installed via the [Tweaks] > “IR remote control” page via the piCorePlayer web interface.
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