This is how you can create a new document for inclusion into piCorePlayer Documentation.
There are various options with the intention of making it easy to submit content to the piCorePlayer Documentation. You can start by submitting a “plain text file” right up to using Markdown with shortcodes and using Hugo to publish to a local server for checking.
The following HTML <h1>—<h6> elements represent six levels of section headings.
# This is an H1 - Do not use - Defined by title/description front matter
## This is an H2 - added to table of contents
### This is an H3 - added to table of contents
#### This is an H4
##### This is an H5 - label
###### This is an H6
This is an H2 - added to table of contents
This is an H3 - added to table of contents
This is an H4
This is an H5 - label
This is an H6
Paragraphs are separated by empty lines. To create a new paragraph, press <return> twice.
Shortcodes are used to add a little more functionality to Markdown. Shortcodes are located in the layouts sub-directory.
Shortcodes available
Used for warning and danger message
Used to generate links to child pages
Used to display code with a copy button
Used for a lead in paragraph
Used to format tables
Card shortcode
Draw the reader’s attention by separating information from the rest of the page. Convey meaning to this information by using colors implying success, info, warning, or danger and an appropriate icon.
---title:Front matterdescription:Front matter - YAML meta datadate:2020-09-24author:pCP Teamweight:6pcpver:"6.1.0"toc:falsedraft:falsehidden:falsecategories:- Publishingtags:- Front matter---
The title variable:
is used in the left hand navigation menu.
is used in the Previous/Next links at the bottom of the page.
should be relatively brief. It is desireable for the the title to be a single line in the navigation menu. For example, use pCP instead of piCorePlayer.
often the same or very similar to the file name.
is used as the page title if description is not defined. It will be rendered as a Heading 1 at the top of the page.
The piCorePlayer Documentation source is mostly written in Markdown. So sometimes it is necessary to convert existing HTML pages into Markdown using an online service for inclusion in the documentation.
Step 1 - Copy HTML source
In the web page, select View source (ctrl+u in Edge)
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