Tag: CLI

piCorePlayer Command Line Interface (CLI)

pCP Team 29 June 2023 pCP 9.0.0
We have implemented a basic piCorePlayer Command Line Interface (CLI). These commands access some Squeezelite, LMS, piCore or piCorePlayer functions and can be used directly on the command line or used in scripts to enhance your system.

Basic piCorePlayer CLI

$ pcp help

 Basic piCorePlayer CLI
 - pcp play           : play current track in playlist
 - pcp stop           : stop current track
 - pcp pause          : pause current track
 - pcp up             : volume up
 - pcp down           : volume down
 - pcp next           : next track
 - pcp prev           : previous track
 - pcp rand           : generate random playlist
 - pcp power [on|off] : software power on or off
 - pcp volume [0-100] : set volume between 0 to 100
 - pcp rescan         : look for new and changed media files in connected LMS library
 - pcp wipecache      : clear connected LMS library and rescan
 - pcp mode           : display Squeezelite's current mode
 - pcp bu             : (b)ack(u)p
 - pcp sd             : (s)hut(d)own
 - pcp bs             : (b)ackup then (s)hutdown
 - pcp rb             : (r)e(b)oot
 - pcp br             : (b)ackup then (r)eboot
 - pcp leds [on|off]  : turn leds on or off
 - pcp d0             : debug off
 - pcp d1             : debug on
 - pcp ic [all|pcp]   : (i)mage (c)reate (all) partitions or (pcp) partitions only
 - pcp kj             : (k)ill (j)ivelite
 - pcp sls            : (s)queeze(l)ite (s)tart
 - pcp slk            : (s)queeze(l)ite (k)ill
 - pcp slr            : (s)queeze(l)ite (r)estart
 - pcp slf            : (s)queeze(l)ite (f)orce
 - pcp sl             : (s)queeze(l)ite status


tc@piCorePlayer:~$ pcp bu
[ INFO ] Backing up files to /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/mydata.tgz
[ OK ] Backup successful.

More information

piCorePlayer aliases

pCP Team 24 July 2020 pCP 5.0.0
To speed up some common Linux command line tasks we have defined a few aliases.
Alias Description
ce Change directory to /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce
ceo Change directory to /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional
m1 Mount the boot partition /mnt/mmcblk0p1
m2 Mount the second partition /mnt/mmcblk0p2
c1 Change directory to /mnt/mmcblk0p1
c2 Change directory to /mnt/mmcblk0p2
vicfg Edit configuration file config.txt using vi
vicmd Edit boot file cmdline.txt using vi
u1 Unmount the boot partition /mnt/mmcblk0p1
u2 Unmount the second partition /mnt/mmcblk0p2

A complete list of aliases is shown below—accurate at the time of writing.

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