Tag: Display


pCP Team 6 May 2024 pCP 5.0.0 Components  •
Jivelite is a cut down Squeezebox control application derived from Squeezebox Jive. Originally developed and released by Adrian Smith. Currently maintained by Ralph Irving. piCorePlayer fully supports Jivelite on the Raspberry Pi’s Official 7" Touch Display. InstallationJivelite can be installed on piCorePlayer via the [Tweaks] page on the piCorePlayer web interface. Jivelite [Settings] > [piCorePlayer] screen More information Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application - Triode Jivelite for piCorePlayer - Ralph Irving Latest Jivelite - Ralph Irving - github Jivelite for piCorePlayer - Ralph Irving - github

piCorePlayer + Waveshare 3.5" TFT + jivelite

nowhinjing 25 June 2024 pCP 6.1.0 Projects
As promised I (nowhinjing) have written up the torturous process of getting piCorePlayer + Jivelite to work on a small TFT screen. More information piCorePlayer + Waveshare 3.5 inch TFT + jivelite Warning nowhinjing’s website seems to be no longer available. piCorePlayer + Waveshare 3.5 inch TFT + jivelite - Wayback Develpoment thread

Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Display

pCP Team 2 July 2022 pCP 8.1.0 Components
piCorePlayer supports the Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Display (and 100% compatibles). Info For the other hundreds of displays, it has been left to the community to create the configuration scripts and offer support—see Tag: display. More information Raspberry Pi 7 Inch Display Tag: display

Add a 1.5 inch st7789 spi display

mini11 30 June 2022 pCP 8.0.0 Projects  •  •  •
1.5 inch st7789 spi LCD display, 240×240, with piCorePlayer. Info This display comes with the pins unsoldered. You have to solder them yourself. This display is perfect, if you want to build a small device-like player or net radio showing the title or broadcast information. Together with a RPi Zero W and a HiFiBerry MiniAMP or small mono DAC/amp Audio Amp SHIM (pic below), you get a complete solution. What we need Raspberry Pi 3, 4, or Zero WH 8GB Micro SD card Cheap 1.

Add a 2.2 inch ili9341 spi display

mini11 18 July 2022 pCP 8.2.0 Projects  •  •  •
2.2 inch ili9341 spi LCD display, 320×240, with piCorePlayer. Info It’s a little bit tricky get those displays running under piCorePlayer. Other spi displays like Waveshare or Spotpear, that are fitted with the same ili9341 chip, may work too with this overlay. I tested it with Spotpear 2.4 inch spi LCD. This display is perfect, if you want to build a small device like player or net radio showing the title or broadcast information.

Add a 3.5 inch display

pCP Team 22 May 2022 pCP 8.2.0 Projects
piCorePlayer by default supports the official Raspberry Pi Touch Display. However, there are dozens of displays available for the Raspberry Pi. These instructions are for a generic Raspberry Pi 3.5" display but may also give clues on how to support other displays. A big thanks to nowhinjing for his Waveshare 4.1 TFT + piCorePlayer + Jivelite tutorial which was used as a starting point. What was usedHardware Raspberry Pi 3B—see Components - Raspberry Pi.

Add a 4 inch Waveshare display spi touch

mini11 21 June 2022 pCP 7.0.0 Projects  •  •
Waveshare 4 inch resistive display, spi Touch, 480×800, HDMI, with piCorePlayer. StepsStep 1 - Connect the display to your Raspberry PI Plug the display directly on the GPIO pins of your RPi and connect the HDMI plug with an HDMI-adaptor. If you need additional pins for other purpose, wire the pins 1, 2, 6, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26) and connect the HDMI-Plug with a HDMI Cable. Pin Symbol Discription 1 3,3 V Power positive (3.

Add a 5 inch Waveshare display spi touch

mini11 29 July 2022 pCP 8.2.0 Projects  •  •
Waveshare 5 inch HDMI Display, 800x480, resistive spi touch with piCorePlayer. What we need Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 or piZero WH 8GB Micro SD card Waveshare 5 inch display, resistive spi-touch with HDMI-adaptor Optional: Some jumper wires, female to female Powersupply, 5V, >= 2,5 A PC or Laptop, Putty installed Preparation Plug the display directly on the GPIO pins of your PI and connect the HDMI plug with an HDMI-adaptor If you need additional pins for other purpose, wire the pins 1, 2, 6, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26) and connect the HDMI plug with a HDMI cable.

Add a 5.5 inch Waveshare AMOLED display

The Fan Club 17 June 2022 pCP 7.0.0 Projects  •  •  •
I nice write-up by The Fan Club - How to setup piCorePlayer Jivelite for use with a Waveshare 5.5 inch AMOLED touchscreen. More information Waveshare 5.5 inch Touch AMOLED Display Download piCorePlayer Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card Determine your piCorePlayer IP address Access piCorePlayer via ssh Edit config.txt piCorePlayer aliases piCorePlayer CLI Basic vi commands Raspberry Pi config.cfg Waveshare 4.1 TFT + piCorePlayer + Jivelite Documentation / fb / fbcon.

Add a 7.9 inch Waveshare display

mini11 17 June 2022 pCP 7.0.0 Projects  •  •
Waveshare 7.9inch Capacitive Touch LCD Display, 400×1280, HDMI, IPS, Toughened Glass Cover with piCorePlayer. StepsStep 1 - Prepare SD card Put a fresh pCP image on to the SD card—see Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card. While the SD card is still in the laptop/pc: Enter wifi credentials in wpa_supplicant.conf.sample and “save as” wpa_supplicant.conf. Add the following lines to config.txt, in the Custom Configuration area at the end of the file (between the Begin-Custom and End-Custom lines).
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