Add a 7.9 inch Waveshare display
Waveshare 7.9inch Capacitive Touch LCD Display, 400×1280, HDMI, IPS, Toughened Glass Cover with piCorePlayer.
Note If upgrading from pCP version 9.2 or lower, or if installing fresh on pCP 10 or higher, be sure to read the important note below, otherwise jivelite will fail to write out its settings.
Step 1 - Prepare SD card
- Put a fresh pCP image on to the SD card—see Burn piCorePlayer onto a SD card.
- While the SD card is still in the laptop/pc:
- Enter wifi credentials in wpa_supplicant.conf.sample and “save as” wpa_supplicant.conf.
- Add the following lines to config.txt, in the Custom Configuration area at the end of the file (between the Begin-Custom and End-Custom lines).
#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-----
hdmi_timings=400 0 100 10 140 1280 10 20 20 2 0 0 0 60 0 43000000 3
display_rotate=3 #270 degrees
You find these two files in your Windows Explorer in root-section of the pcp_boot drive.
LMS Monitor 2020
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