1.5 inch st7789 spi LCD display, 240×240, with piCorePlayer. Info This display comes with the pins unsoldered. You have to solder them yourself.
This display is perfect, if you want to build a small device-like player or net radio showing the title or broadcast information. Together with a RPi Zero W and a HiFiBerry MiniAMP or small mono DAC/amp Audio Amp SHIM (pic below), you get a complete solution. What we need Raspberry Pi 3, 4, or Zero WH 8GB Micro SD card Cheap 1.
2.2 inch ili9341 spi LCD display, 320×240, with piCorePlayer. Info It’s a little bit tricky get those displays running under piCorePlayer. Other spi displays like Waveshare or Spotpear, that are fitted with the same ili9341 chip, may work too with this overlay. I tested it with Spotpear 2.4 inch spi LCD.
This display is perfect, if you want to build a small device like player or net radio showing the title or broadcast information.
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